Accounting & Tax - CapitalQ

Accounting & Tax

CapitalQ Business Advisers & Chartered Accountants

Who you CHOOSE to be your Accountant is one of the most important decisions every business owner and investor must make.

A good one will save you time and money, help you build a great business that functions without you, help you build genuine lasting wealth AND protect you from the ATO.

And they will do everything in their power to LEGALLY minimise the amount of tax you pay and they will do so every year, after year!

A bad Accountant? Well, they could cost you time and money at best. At worst, their lack of experience or expertise or up to date knowledge could land you in hot water with the Taxman.

With so many Accountants to choose from it can be a daunting and confusing process.

And you want to be sure the Accountant you choose has a philosophy and approach that fits with your own business and wealth goals.

Savvy, ambitious individuals need an Accountant you is able to advise and assist with business building, and wealth creation strategies.

Accountants who focus solely on compliance and recording history, are not equipped to help you achieve your goals.

To help you choose the right Accountant, we have created an important report, entitled the –

Business & Investors Due Diligence Checklist


“Business Owners & Investor Due Diligence Checklist: The 7 Critically Important Questions You MUST Ask Before Hiring an Accountant”


It includes the 9 Wealth Building Strategies 90% of Accountants NEVER Reveal to their Clients (Because they Don’t Know them Themselves)!

Already seen the Report, or just ready to learn more about the specific ways we can help …

Start by choosing the option that best describes you.

What our customers say

Logo for Craig Wilschefski

I was headed for ATO disaster... but thanks to CapitalQ we nipped it in the bud

I know everything there is to know about the services my business provide, and I know how to do it well and how to grow my business. But I know little about, and don’t want to know about, the tax and accounting and administrative side of things. As a result I was always behind, always struggling with paperwork and administration that I never came close to managing or getting on top of. CapitalQ worked with me to get my head above water, then to streamline that side of my business and manage much of it for me. A huge weight was lifted from my shoulders, my stress levels completely subsided and life was great. The result … an unsolicited buy-out offer for my first business (which I accepted) helping to set up financially me and my family for life. I have now started my second business, and they are doing it all over again. Business profits are growing, and I am once again fighting off suitors!
Craig Wilschefski

Craig Wilschefski

Founder and Director of Home Loan Republic and Finance for Fitness

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