Welcome to the CapitalQ Community - CapitalQ

Welcome to the CapitalQ Community

Congratulations on making the wise Decision, and then taking the necessary Action, to make the change to CapitalQ.  We are thrilled to have you join the CapitalQ Community.

Already we’ve been busy behind the scenes laying the groundwork to help LEGALLY minimise the amount of tax you pay, and to help you build genuine lasting wealth for you and your family.

We hope now you can RELAX and SLEEP SOUNDLY at night with PEACE OF MIND, in the knowledge your business and wealth building are in order and on track towards achieving your goals.

We refer to our Clients as our Community, because we are a collective of like minded individuals, motivated to reaching our goals and achieving financial and lifestyle success (however we each choose to define it).

No doubt soon, you will get the opportunity to meet many more of the Community Members at one of our seminars and/or events.

Now that you are part of the inner circle, we ask you to consider “Who else do you know that could benefit from our services and advice, and who would be a positive addition to the CapitalQ Community?”

There is a good chance you may know other business owners and other serious private investors who, like you, are smart, ambitious and who would be a great addition to our Community.  We work on the basis “like attracts like”, and we want to work with more people like you, so any time you meet or otherwise think of someone who fits the bill, please let us know, we would love to reach out to them and show them what we have to offer!

Who knows, there may even be a little something in it for you as well 😉

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What our customers say

Logo for Ryan Shreeve & Tara Thomas

2017 was a bumperyear, that meant a big tax bill, or it would have if it wasn’t for CapitalQ

After a former business partnership fell apart, we needed help to restart and rebuild. That’s when we met Kapil, Duncan and the CapitalQ Team. They helped us get two new businesses off the ground and they have helped us achieve efficiencies and profitability in a very short time frame. In fact 2017 exceeded our expectations and while that meant we could buy our first super car (a Lamborghini Gallardo) that also meant we would be looking at a substantial tax bill. But Kapil and the Team went all out to come up with plans to help minimise our tax bill for the year and allow us to keep investing in our businesses (and our toys) ;) Based on our past dealings with other Accountants, we never knew the difference a good Accountant could make. We couldn’t have done it without them and we can’t recommend the Team at CapitalQ highly enough!
Ryan Shreeve & Tara Thomas Ryan Shreeve & Tara Thomas

Ryan Shreeve & Tara Thomas

Founder and Director VRN Cleaning & Founder and Director Eeve Security Services

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