Superannuation Contribution Strategies - CapitalQ

Superannuation Contribution Strategies

So when it comes to superannuation contribution strategies, here’s our first, FREE, tip …

Contribute as much, and as often, as you can!

Because we can guarantee, when the time comes, you will be so grateful for every dollar you have accumulated within your superannuation, you will be thanking us for encouraging you to contribute, even when you thought you couldn’t afford anymore AND you will be so proud and grateful of yourself, for choosing the hard, but sensible path of proactively saving for your retirement.

Oh, if only it was that simple.

Unfortunately as most will know, it is a regrettable fact that successive Federal Governments have been unable to resist the temptation to tweak the super contribution rules.  And this means strict laws and scary consequences for getting your contributions wrong.

Let us firstly help you find a way to –

  • Afford your extra contributions helping you save for you future, then
  • To gain the maximum tax advantage possible, and then finally
  • To ensure you are complying with all the rules and avoiding undesired consequences.


More about Self-Managed Super


Book your FREE,
No Risk, Initial
Consultation today!

What our customers say

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The Team at CapitalQ are lifestyle creators!

Sure over the past 20 years (Duncan was my advisor even before he started CapitalQ) they have saved me huge amounts of tax and helped me build wealth through property and self-managed superannuation, but the most significant thing they have done for me most recently is take all of my accounting and related record keeping and administration headaches and obligations off my hands. It has allowed my business to become incredibly easy to operate and manage, and has freed up my time to do the things I want to do, most specifically travel as much as I want!
Mike and Jane Gray Mike and Jane Gray

Mike and Jane Gray

Exploration Data Services

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