Establishing an SMSF - CapitalQ

Establishing an SMSF

Control! That is what having a self-managed super fund is all about, taking control of your own savings, taking control of your destiny.

Self-managed super funds are for smart, ambitious individuals who want to take charge of their futures.

They are for individuals who no longer wish to follow the crowd.

And for those who have grown weary of the large corporates in the banking and financial services industries.

That doesn’t mean control has to mean extra work, though it can if you want it to.

It just means you decide how much of the management and administration of your self-managed super fund and its investments you handle yourself, and how much you outsource. You also decide to whom you outsource each element and what costs you are prepared to pay. You also get to decide how your superannuation savings are managed, including how and when contributions are made and accepted and how and when pensions and other withdrawals are structured and paid.

Now the first thing to understand is –

  • Superannuation is not an investment in itself.
  • Superannuation is merely the structure through which investments can be held.

Too often we hear people complain about superannuation being a waste of time “because my balance hasn’t moved in years”.

Well, that is not a superannuation problem, that is an investment, and, most likely, a fees problem.

Superannuation is undeniably the most tax effective vehicle through which to build long-term wealth, period! And everyone should be using it, at least in part, to providing for the future they desire.

Did you know, any investment that can be held via a public offer superannuation fund can be held via your own self-managed super fund! In fact, there are investments that can be made via your own self-managed super fund that few if any public offer funds will allow you to invest in (ie. Direct residential or commercial property).

So if you want the chance to break free from what everyone else is doing, and get ahead of the pack, talk to us about the suitability of a self-managed superannuation fund for you and your circumstances.

More about Self-Managed Super


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Relieved me of a huge burden, and now keeping my affairs in order and up to date

I came to CapitalQ having experienced substantial business difficulties with my business partner and having been the loser from an Accountant who took sides. I had substantial overdue obligations and the ATO were closing in. I was also highly fearful of my unknown tax position with substantial tax debts likely. CapitalQ went above and beyond to address all issues within my affairs, to bring me entirely up to date with the ATO, and to ensure my resulting tax bill was barely a scratch on what I had feared. They are now keeping my affairs up to date and in order and my stress levels are non-existent relative to those pre-CapitalQ times.
Kim Fewster Kim Fewster

Kim Fewster

Fewsters Farm Honey

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