Superannuation Estate Planning - CapitalQ

Superannuation Estate Planning

Did you know … your Will may very well be useless when it comes to addressing the passing of your superannuation savings to your chosen beneficiaries!

You see your superannuation savings may not pass through your Estate, and therefore may bypass your Will altogether.

This can be a problem if not fully understood and catered for … but … it can also be advantageous!

So its vital that your superannuation is considered and addressed separately from your Will and all the other elements of your estate plans.

More about Self-Managed Super


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What our customers say

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Relieved me of a huge burden, and now keeping my affairs in order and up to date

I came to CapitalQ having experienced substantial business difficulties with my business partner and having been the loser from an Accountant who took sides. I had substantial overdue obligations and the ATO were closing in. I was also highly fearful of my unknown tax position with substantial tax debts likely. CapitalQ went above and beyond to address all issues within my affairs, to bring me entirely up to date with the ATO, and to ensure my resulting tax bill was barely a scratch on what I had feared. They are now keeping my affairs up to date and in order and my stress levels are non-existent relative to those pre-CapitalQ times.
Kim Fewster Kim Fewster

Kim Fewster

Fewsters Farm Honey

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