Most readers of The Q Review already know, we at CapitalQ believe business is the Number 1 asset class for building real wealth. It is also the very best vehicle for acquiring true financial freedom.
Coming in second, is property.
However, that does not mean we view each of business and property as wealth building vehicles in isolation.
The truth is, they can complement each other extremely well. And will very often come together to produce a sum greater than their individual parts.
That is one reason why we encourage our CapitalQ Community Members to get into the property market as early in life as possible, even when their true ambition is to start and to build a business. In fact, we encourage anyone considering a future in business building to ideally acquire at least their first property BEFORE taking their initial entrepreneurial step.
The truth of the matter is, whether you like it, or not… the modern world of business and finance will view you significantly more favourably if you own property.
If you do not own property, it can be extraordinarily difficult to get anyone of potential significance to your business’ success to entertain you, let alone transact with you. Be it banks, other lenders and financiers, investors, landlords, even major suppliers.
…the modern world of business and finance will view you significantly more favourably if you own property.
You must be able to demonstrate:
- You are the type of person who can accumulate the deposit required to purchase a property,
- You are the type of person a bank is prepared to lend to in order to assist you to purchase a major asset like a property,
- You are the type of person who can demonstrate the financial skills and discipline to manage a mortgage as well as the maintenance of a property,
- You are the type of person who can meet significant financial obligations such as paying a mortgage, and
- You are the type of person who can build equity in an asset.
If not, it can be very difficult, in fact very often impossible, to secure the backing of these often- integral players in any business endeavour you may seek out.
Check out Part 2 for more regarding the benefits of adding property to your business strategy –