Every dollar you spend locally helps boost economic prosperity for all West Aussies!

You may have seen a recent video I posted on Instagram (via IGTV, re-shared below), or the associated Blog post here on capitalq.com.au where I revealed my excitement for the next decade for WA and its economy and for its small businesses.

But of course, as mentioned, I’m not oblivious to the fact there are some difficulties to be overcome in the short term before we see a real boost to economic growth and before we will see a genuine improvement in property markets (and all the collateral economic and lifestyle benefits that can bring).

That being the case, I think it is worthwhile we all consider how we can each make our own contribution (however modest) to help boost the local economy.

Shop Local & Shop Physical

And one of the easiest things we can all do to help, is to shop local, and ideally to shop physical.

Next time you are thinking of buying something online, which the majority of the time these days means your money is heading overseas, instead consider if you could find a supplier here in Australia.

Or better yet, here in WA.

Or even better yet, is there a physical store in your local area you can go to purchase it?

Don’t Consider it a Cost, Consider it an Investment

Yes, maybe it will be a little less convenient.  And yes maybe it will even be a little more expensive.

But maybe you could consider the small inconvenience or the small extra cost your personal contribution to the economic well-being of our Country and in particular our State.

Of course, if you do choose to make such a contribution, there is no need to consider it lost money, or a complete sacrifice without any benefit for you.

Because every time any of us chose to put our hard earned back into the local economy we are indirectly investing in our own prosperity.

The increased local economic activity –

  • Increases local jobs (so it could ultimately lead to your next career step)
  • Increases wages (so it could lead to your next pay rise)
  • Increases local purchasing power (so it could lead to your next sale if you are a business owner)
  • Increases property prices and share markets (so your wealth increases, even if you don’t consider yourself an investor, because you have superannuation, don’t you?).

Lets all do our bit

So next time you are thinking of buying some clothes online, or a book, or cosmetics, or anything else for that matter, take a moment to consider can you purchase it from a local online supplier or even better, could you purchase it from a local store?

P.S. Of course CapitalQ Community Members will know we are doing our best to assist our Community Small Business Members via features in The Q Review.  In the current edition we featured Gioia on the River and Blackbird Restaurant, both fine restaurants located right here in East Perth.  We encourage all CapitalQ Community Members to take advantage of the offers included in the magazine (25% Off at Gioia, $4 Pints at Blackbird) and get along and support your fellow Community Members!  If you haven’t received a copy of The Q Review Winter Edition, request your FREE copy here.

