Following on from the huge success that was the CapitalQ trip to Melbourne to see Verne Harnish, we are once again inviting Clients and Associates to join us on another fantastic business learning experience.
This time we will be seeing three of the biggest names in business starting with …
Jim Collins
Jim is of course the author of one of the widest read business books of all time, “Good to Great”, the #1 bestseller, which examines why some companies and leaders make the leap to superior results. He has also authored or co-authored five additional books including – The Good to Great companion work “Good to Great and the Social Sectors”, the enduring classic “Built to Last” which explores how some leaders build companies that remain visionary for generations, “How the Mighty Fall” which delves into how once-great companies can self-destruct, and most recently, “Great by Choice” which is about thriving in chaos – why some do, and others don’t.
This is the first time Jim has been to Australia in 15 years, so we reckon this is an event not to be missed!
The other two big names you will see are Liz Wiseman and once again the one and only Verne Harnish.
Liz Wiseman
Liz teaches leadership to executives around the world. She is the President of the Wiseman Group, a leadership research and development firm headquartered in Silicon Valley, California. Some of her recent clients include: Apple, Dubai Bank, Genentech, Nike, PayPal, and Twitter. Liz has been listed on the Thinkers50 ranking and named one of the top 10 leadership thinkers in the world.
She is the author of “Multipliers, How the Best Leaders Make Everyone Smarter”, a Wall Street Journal bestseller and “The Multiplier Effect, Tapping the Genius Inside Our Schools”. She has conducted significant research in the field of leadership and collective intelligence and writes for Harvard Business Review and a variety of other business and leadership journals.
Verne Harnish
Verne is one of our favourite business minds and we have employed much of his teachings in our own business. He is founder of the world-renowned Entrepreneurs’ Organization (EO) and chaired for fifteen years EO’s premiere CEO program, the “Birthing of Giants” and WEO’s “Advanced Business” executive program both held at MIT.
Founder and CEO of Gazelles, a global executive education and coaching company, Verne has spent the past 30 years educating entrepreneurial teams. The “Growth Guy” syndicated columnist, he’s also the Venture Columnist for Fortune magazine.
He’s the author of “Mastering the Rockefeller Habits” and its updated release “Scaling Up” both of which are endorsed by over 100 CEOs of mid-size companies and is published in Chinese, Japanese, Korean, Russian, Serbian, Polish, Dutch, German and Spanish. Verne, along with the editors of Fortune, has also authored The Greatest Business Decisions of All Times,” for which Jim Collins wrote the foreword.
Here are the details:
This is a fully escorted trip (by Duncan) to Melbourne in the first week of March 2015. You will be away two nights and in between you will attend the full day event to see the three speakers detailed above. The CapitalQ Travelling Group will remain together throughtout the trip and it will be a great networking opportunity in addition to the business learning you will receive at the event (As reported by the attendees on the last trip, one of the best parts was the networking undertaken either side of the formalities!).
Flight out of Perth:
Expecting to be early afternoon on Monday March 2nd (which is actually a public holiday, so no need to miss work that day) flying Qantas.
To be Confirmed but will be located in the Melbourne CBD not more than a few minutes walk from the event venue. It will also be very comfortable, Duncan is not one to rough it!
The Event:
All Day Tuesday the 3rd of March at the Melbourne Convention Centre.
Networking Dinner:
That night we will partake in some festivities and networking amongst the attendees at one of any number of fine restaurants Melbourne has to offer.
Flight Home to Perth:
Mid-Morning on Thursday the 4th of March (if you are keen you can be back at work a little after lunch time).
The Cost:
$2,200 per person including GST (This will cover flights, transfers in Melbourne, accomodation for two nights in your own room, breakfast and dinner (including drinks) on the 3rd and of course entry to the event). The only thing attendees paid for on the last trip was their nightcaps after Duncan went to bed 😉 (If you plan to travel as a couple and share a room, let me know and the price will be discounted accordingly?)
As soon as possible please via email to Duncan at As with last time the trip really only works with 6 (absolute minimum) to ideally 8 travellers and we need to book everything in advance so the sooner you can confirm your attendance the sooner we will know the trip is definitely going ahead).
Can’t Decide?
If you feel the idea sounds interesting but you just aren’t sure you can afford it, can’t afford the time or for some other reason aren’t sure you can commit please contact Duncan to discuss further. We understand the cost is a lot of money, and we understand many will feel they can better utilise their time back in Perth working, but our response to that is perhaps sometimes you need to take the plunge and open your mind to something new and different. We really are confident you will be glad you did!