Tax Minimisation & Year End Tax Planning - CapitalQ

Tax Minimisation & Year End Tax Planning

The tax laws have been substantially tightened over the past 20 years, with the scope to make decisions and create transactions after the year has ended all but gone.

Instead, tax minimisation and planning is an ongoing exercise with key milestone moments being in the lead up to significant transactions AND in the lead up to the end of the tax and financial year.

Transactions that warrant due consideration to ensure the most tax effective outcome is reached include –

Then we meet with the majority of our business clients, and many of our investor clients, during late May and early June each year to review the performance of their business and investment activities for the year, to estimate their likely taxable incomes and then to ensure actions are taken, and strategies put in place before 30 June to ensure the absolute legal minimum tax liability.

The pay off (as in reduced tax payable) from proactive tax minimisation and planning can be dramatic, sometimes in relation to a single event, but often in accumulation over time. It can mean the difference between just doing well, and truly getting ahead!

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What our customers say

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CapitalQ helped me get off the 9 to 5 treadmill and effectively retire from real work in my late twenties.

I am a property person through and through. I believe there is no better way to build genuine wealth than via property. I have undertaken residential property investing and residential property developments (large and small) and as a result effectively retired from real work in my late 20s. Throughout that time Duncan and the Team at CapitalQ have been my partners (both as advisers and at times literally by taking interests in my projects). I would recommend to anyone thinking about venturing into property investing to ensure CapitalQ are part of the process and watching your back. You need sound personal budgeting, investment analysis, project costing, appropriate structuring, short term and long-term tax planning and ongoing tax advice (and not just covering Income Tax but also GST, Land Tax, Stamp Duty, the list goes on). CapitalQ know all aspects of the property game, and have the hands-on experience as well. Many think property investing is easy, but I can assure you, without the right partner providing the right advice, you will come undone.
Ray Ellis Ray Ellis

Ray Ellis

Property Investor and now owner of Xceed Real Estate

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