In most cases, we can have your new business structure up and ready for use within as little as 24 hours (sometimes even less).
And when we do, we do it right. We appoint the correct –
- Directors (the fewer the better)
- Company Secretary
- Public Officer
- Trustee
- Appointor (this one is absolutely vital, there is arguably no more important position within a business or investment structure)
- Beneficiaries (don’t let your choice restrict your tax planning, nor undo the good work on the asset protection front)
Plus, we act as your Company’s Registered Office, adding a barrier between you and your Creditors, as well as ASIC.
More about Accounting & Tax
- Starting or Buying a Business
- Business Idea Evaluation
- Buying a Business
- Business Purchase Price Assessment
- Business Structure Advice
- Tax Planning Strategies
- Asset Protection Strategies
- Business Structure Establishment
- Tax Registration Advice and Implementation
- Business Name Registration
- Business Owner Agreements (ie. Shareholder Agreements, etc)
- Business Due Diligence
- Business Start Up Advice
- New Business Budgeting
- New Business Cash Flow Forecasting
- Business Plans
- New Business Finance Application Structuring & Assistance
- Accounting System Establishment and Training
- Running and Growing Your Business
- Business Accounting & Tax Services
- Tax Minimisation & Year End Tax Planning
- Bookkeeping & Data Entry
- Business Activity Statements
- Payroll Services
- Superannuation Management & Reporting
- Fringe Benefits Tax
- Payroll Tax
- Management Reporting
- Budgeting
- Cash Flow Forecasting
- Corporate Secretarial (ASIC Compliance)
- Trust Distributions
- Tax Advice
- Goods & Services Tax Advice
- Accounting Software Solutions
- Business Acquisitions
- Entry of New Business Partners/Owners
- Exit of Business Partners/Owners
- Finance Application Assistance
- ATO Relationship Management (including ATO Audit Support)
- Accountants Letter of Support
- Selling, Exiting and/or Leaving a Legacy